Client Setup
Any Java IDE should be able to be used for Space Battle Arena.
We typically use jGRASP or Eclipse. Look to the right for some walk-throughs on setting up Space Battle using different IDEs.
The general process involves:
Adding both the Gson and SpaceBattle .jar files to your classpath.
Creating a Ship class which either extends the BasicSpaceship abstract class OR
implements the Spaceship<?> interface.Execute the TextClient's run method with the following arguments:
- IP address of the server
- An instance of your Java Ship class
public static void main(String[] args) {"", new ExampleShip()); }
Alternatively, to the third step above, execute the TextClient's main method from within SpaceBattle.jar passing the IP Address and a string with the name of your Ship class.
If you need to run ships via the Command Line see these instructions.
We also have a complete set of Java Docs available.