Space Battle Arena

A Programming Game in Java for AP CS Students.

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Installing Wyam Doc Builder

  1. Install Wyam on the command line with dotnet (requires .NET Core):

     dotnet tool install -g Wyam.Tool
  2. Restart command line (or VS Code)

  3. Doc system assumes another copy of repo to gh-pages branches has been checked out alongside the repo in a gh-pages directory.

  4. Type wyam to build, clear all non-.git folders in gh-pages folder before-hand if making significant structure changes.

  5. To preview the site and watch for changes use:

     wyam -p -w --virtual-dir "/SpaceBattleArena"
  6. Open your browser to http://localhost:5080/SpaceBattleArena/ (notice the ending slash).

  7. Make 2 branches one off master and one off gh-pages in order to submit two PRs for updates to source docs and generated output.