Space Battle Arena

A Programming Game in Java for AP CS Students.

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Eclipse Client Environment Setup


This document provides instructions for setting up the Java environment for developing code which controls a ship in the Space Battle Arena (SBA) programming game.

These instructions were prepared for Eclipse Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) and above.

Initial Environment Setup

  1. Create a new Java Project in the Package Exploerer:

    Add Java Project

  2. Make sure to give your Project a name and to select Use project folder as root for sources and class files:

    Project Settings

  3. Click Next.

  4. Click on the Libraries tab.

  5. Click on Add External JARs.

  6. Select both the gson-2.2.jar and SpaceBattle.jar which you should have downloaded:

    Libraries Tab

  7. Click Finish

Class Setup

  1. Right-click and add a new Class to your new project:

    Add Class

  2. Give you Ship a Name and select the BasicSpaceship as the Superclass:

    Add Class Dialog

  3. Click Finish

  4. Fill in some basics to your Spaceship class:

     import java.awt.Color;
     import ihs.apcs.spacebattle.*;
     import ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.*;
     public class ExampleShip extends BasicSpaceship {
     	public RegistrationData registerShip(int numImages, int worldWidth, int worldHeight)
     		return new RegistrationData("Example Ship", new Color(255, 255, 255), 0);
     	public ShipCommand getNextCommand(BasicEnvironment env)
     		return new IdleCommand(0.1);

Execution Instructions

Note: Do not terminate the program through the Eclipse UI; instead, click in the console window and type 'QUIT' to gracefully close the connection.

  1. Open up your Run Configurations:

    Run Configurations

  2. Create a new configuration under Java Application:

    New Configuration

  3. Select a Main class of ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient:

    Run Configuration Main Class

  4. Click the Arguments tab and enter the IP address of the server and your Java Class name with a space in-between:

    Program Arguments

    e.g. MyFirstShip

  5. Click Apply and Run.

  6. Type 'QUIT' in the Console window to disconnect your ship:

    Output Window