A B C D E F G H I K L M O P R S T V W 


AllStopCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to bring a ship to an immediate full stop.
AllStopCommand() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.AllStopCommand
Creates a command to bring a ship to an immediate full stop.


BasicEnvironment - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Basic Environment to introduce to Space Battle, see Environment for more info.
BasicEnvironment(Environment<BasicGameInfo>) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicEnvironment
BasicGameInfo - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
The BasicGameInfo provides Score, HighScore, and Number of Deaths.
BasicGameInfo() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
BasicSpaceship - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Basic Spaceship class to abstract Generic for initial introduction.
BasicSpaceship() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicSpaceship
BaubleHuntGameInfo - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games
Bauble Hunt is a more complex version of the Hungry Hungry Baubles game.
BaubleHuntGameInfo() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
BrakeCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to cause a ship to gradually slow down from its current speed.
BrakeCommand(double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.BrakeCommand
Creates a command to gradually slow a ship to a percentage of its current speed.


CloakCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to cloak a ship.
CloakCommand(double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CloakCommand
Creates a command to cloak a ship.
CollectCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
"The Hunger Baubles" specific command to pick up the specified Bauble.
CollectCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CollectCommand
Creates a command to pick up the specified Bauble in range.
CommandNames - Enum in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
Enum for matching Command Names for Command Queue Short Names.


DeployLaserBeaconCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to deploy a laser beacon from a ship.
DeployLaserBeaconCommand() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeployLaserBeaconCommand
DeploySpaceMineCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to deploy a Space Mine.
DeploySpaceMineCommand(double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
Creates a command to deploy a stationary space mine.
DeploySpaceMineCommand(double, boolean) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
Creates a command to deploy a space mine which is either stationary or homing.
DeploySpaceMineCommand(double, int, int, double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
Create a command to deploy a space mine which will move after the given time in a direction with some amount of speed and then explode.
DestroyAllLaserBeaconsCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to destroy all your laser beacons currently in space.
DestroyAllLaserBeaconsCommand() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DestroyAllLaserBeaconsCommand
disconnect() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient
disconnect() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
DiscoveryQuestGameInfo - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games
Discovery Quest is a game of exploration.
DiscoveryQuestGameInfo() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.DiscoveryQuestGameInfo


EjectCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
"The Hunger Baubles" specific command to eject the specified Bauble from your ship's cargo hold.
EjectCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.EjectCommand
Creates a command to drop the specified Bauble.
Environment<T> - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
A class to represent the state of the world at the time a command is requested.
Environment() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
equals(ShipCommand) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
equals(Environment<T>) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
Determines if this Environment is the same as another one.
equals(ObjectStatus) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
equals(Point) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.AllStopCommand
AllStop executes immediately and has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CollectCommand
Collecting Baubles executes immediately but has a cooldown of 0.2 seconds.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeployLaserBeaconCommand
Deploy Laser Beacons executes immediately.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
Deploy Space Mine executes immediately and has a cooldown of 2 seconds.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DestroyAllLaserBeaconsCommand
Destroy Laser Beacons execute immediately.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.EjectCommand
Ejecting Baubles executes immediately after a cooldown of 0.5 seconds * mass of Bauble to eject.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.FireTorpedoCommand
Fire Torpedo executes immediately with a cooldown of 0.2 seconds.
executesImmediately() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
Returns true if the Command executes as soon as it is processed in the queue and does not delay for any period of time.


FireTorpedoCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to fire a torpedo.
FireTorpedoCommand(char) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.FireTorpedoCommand
Creates a command to fire a torpedo.


getAngleTo(Point) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Gets the absolute angle between this and another Point in space.
getAxisMajorLength() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the length of a Planet, BlackHole, or Nebula on its major axis.
getAxisMinorLength() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the length from the center of a Nebula that is perpendicular to the direction/rotation of the Nebula.
getBaublePositions() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
Gets a list of positions where there are high-value baubles.
getBaublesCarriedValue() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
Gets the value of the baubles being carried by your ship (maximum of 25).
getBaublesCarriedValue() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
Gets the value of the baubles being carried by your ship.
getBaublesCarriedWeight() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
Gets the total weight of the baubles being carried by your ship.
getBaublesCarriedWeight() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
Gets the total weight of the baubles being carried by your ship.
getBaublesInCargo() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
Gets a list of the baubles in your cargo hold.
getBestScore() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets your current highest score for the round.
getBubblePositions() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.KingOfTheBubbleGameInfo
Gets the positions of all current bubbles in the world.
getById(int) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RadarResults
Gets the details read by this radar sweep for a particular object whose ID is previously known.
getByPosition(Point) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RadarResults
Gets the details read by this radar sweep for a particular object whose location is previously known.
getByType(String) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RadarResults
Gets the details read by this radar sweep for all objects of the given type.
getClosestMappedPoint(Point, int, int) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Maps the other point across world boundaries to return the closest form of the given point.
getColor() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RegistrationData
Gets the registered color.
getCommandQueue() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the list of CommandNames your Ship is currently executing.
getDistanceTo(Point) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Gets the distance from this to another Point in space using the standard distance formula.
getEnergy() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the current amount of energy this object has.
getEnergyCost() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
Gets the energy cost for the constructed command.
getEnergyCost(int) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.EjectCommand
Gets the energy cost for the constructed command.
getGameInfo() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
Gets information concerning the current game objective.
getHealth() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the current Health of this object.
getHighScore() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets the current game leader's score.
getHitRadius() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the radius of the object needed for collision detection.
getId() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the object's Unique ID.
getImage() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RegistrationData
Gets the registered image index.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.AllStopCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CloakCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CollectCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.EjectCommand
Gets the average one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.FireTorpedoCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.LowerEnergyScoopCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RaiseShieldsCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ScanCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getInitialEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.WarpCommand
Gets the one-time energy cost to initiate this command.
getLastDestroyedBy() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets a string representing the last thing that destroyed your ship.
getLastSuccessfulIds() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.DiscoveryQuestGameInfo
Gets an array of ints of ids for objects which a ScanCommand successfully processed.
getMass() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets this object's mass.
getMaxEnergy() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the maximum amount of energy this object could store.
getMaxHealth() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the maximum amount of health this object could have.
getMaxShield() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the maximum amount of Shields the Ship object could have.
getMaxSpeed() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the maximum speed this object can travel.
getMessage() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
getMessages() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
Gets a list of messages currently received.
getMissionLeft() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.DiscoveryQuestGameInfo
Gets an array of strings containing the types of objects left to scan in order to complete this mission.
getMovementDirection() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Get the actual direction of travel for this object.
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.AllStopCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.BrakeCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CloakCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CollectCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeployLaserBeaconCommand
Creates a command to deploy a laser beacon at the ship's current position.
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DeploySpaceMineCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.DestroyAllLaserBeaconsCommand
Creates a command to destroy all your laser beacons.
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.EjectCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.FireTorpedoCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.IdleCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.LowerEnergyScoopCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RadarCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RaiseShieldsCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RepairCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RotateCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ScanCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.SteerCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ThrustCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.WarpCommand
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the name of a Ship object.
getName() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RegistrationData
Gets the registered name.
getNextCommand(BasicEnvironment) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicSpaceship
getNextCommand(Environment<BasicGameInfo>) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicSpaceship
getNextCommand(Environment<T>) - Method in interface ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Spaceship
Issues a command to be executed by this ship on the server.
getNumBaublesCarried() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
Gets the number of baubles currently carried by your ship (maximum of 5).
getNumBaublesCarried() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
Gets the number of baubles currently carried by your ship.
getNumberStored() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the number of cargo items carried by a Ship in a Game.
getNumCollected() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
Gets the number of baubles collected and returned to your base.
getNumDeaths() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets the number of times you have died in this game.
getNumObjects() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RadarResults
Gets the number of objects detected by this radar sweep.
getObjectiveLocation() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets a potential position of an assigned game location (read game rules for details).
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.BrakeCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CloakCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.IdleCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.LowerEnergyScoopCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RadarCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RaiseShieldsCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RepairCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RotateCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ScanCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.SteerCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ThrustCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOngoingEnergyCost() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.WarpCommand
Gets the energy cost per second of this command.
getOrientation() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the current Orientation of a Ship or Nebula.
getOwnerId() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the ID of the Owner of this object.
getPointAt(double, double) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Returns a new point which represents the location at the given angle and distance away from this point.
getPosition() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the position of this object within the world (0, 0) is the upper-left and increases down and to the right.
getPullStrength() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the strength of the gravity or drag of a Planet, BlackHole or Nebula.
getRadar() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
Gets the results of the most recent radar sweep, if and only if the last command issued was a RadarCommand.
getRadarLevel() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
Gets the level of the last radar sweep, if the last command issued was a RadarCommand.
getRadarRange() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the radius from a Ship object that its radar can detect objects.
getRechargeRate() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the amount of energy this object restores per second.
getRotationSpeed() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the number of degrees this Ship can turn in a second (default is 120).
getScanIdsInProgress() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.DiscoveryQuestGameInfo
Gets an array of ints of ids for objects which a ScanCommand is currently in progress for.
getScore() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets your current score.
getShieldLevel() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the current Shield strength of a Ship.
getShipStatus() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
Gets the status of your ship.
getSpeed() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets this object's current speed.
getTimeAlive() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the amount of time this object has lived in seconds.
getTimeRemaining() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets the current time remaining in the round (in seconds).
getTotalRoundTime() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
Gets the total length of the round for this game (in seconds).
getType() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
String representation of the Type of Object.
getValue() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Gets the point value worth of a Bubble, Bauble, or Ship in a Game.
getX() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Gets the x-coordinate of this point.
getY() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Gets the y-coordinate of this point.
GraphicalClient - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
GraphicalClient(String[]) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient


hasFiredSpaceMine() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
Indicated if you already have a Space Mine in the world already.
hasFiredTorpedo() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
Indicates if you already have a torpedo in the world already.


IdleCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to cause a ship to do nothing for a period of time.
IdleCommand(double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.IdleCommand
Creates a command to wait for a specified amount of time.
ihs.apcs.spacebattle - package ihs.apcs.spacebattle
ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands - package ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games - package ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CloakCommand
Cloaking does not block the processing of other commands.
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.LowerEnergyScoopCommand
Scooping does not block the processing of other commands.
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RaiseShieldsCommand
Raising Shields does not block the processing of other commands.
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RepairCommand
Repairing does not block the processing of other commands.
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ScanCommand
Scanning does not block the processing of other commands.
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
Returns true if the Command will stop other commands from processing.
isBlocking() - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ThrustCommand
Thrust commands will prevent you from executing other commands by default, pass a 'false' block argument to change this behavior.
isCloseTo(Point, double) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Returns true if the given point's X & Y values are within the tolerance of this point's X & Y values.
isDisconnected() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient
isDisconnected() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
isInCelestialBody() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Is this object in a celestial object's body of effect?
isInEllipse(Point, int, int, int) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Checks if this point is in an Ellipse with the given center point, major/minor axis lengths at the given orientation.
isMissionFailed() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.DiscoveryQuestGameInfo
Indicates if the current missions is still a success or not.
isSuccessful() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
Was an object successfully scanned for a game? (Discovery Quest)


KingOfTheBubbleGameInfo - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games
"King of the Bubble" is a game where there are a number of 'Bubbles' in the world worth some amount of points.
KingOfTheBubbleGameInfo() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.KingOfTheBubbleGameInfo


logMessage(String) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient
logMessage(String) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
LowerEnergyScoopCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
The LowerEnergyScoopCommand deploys an energy collector under your ship.
LowerEnergyScoopCommand(boolean) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.LowerEnergyScoopCommand
Creates a command to lower your energy scoop to recharge your ships energy in a Nebula or Star.


main(String[]) - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
MAX_WARP_DISTANCE - Static variable in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.WarpCommand


ObjectStatus - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
A class to represent the status of a ship or other object.
ObjectStatus() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus


parseMessage(MwnpMessage) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient
Reads a network message and takes appropriate action.
parseMessage(MwnpMessage) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
Reads a network message and takes appropriate action.
Point - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Represents a point in space as an (x, y) coordinate.
Point(double, double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Creates a new point with the given coordinates.
Point(double[]) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
Creates a new point from an array.


RadarCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to perform a radar sweep of the nearby area.
RadarCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RadarCommand
Creates a command to perform a radar sweep of the specified level.
RadarCommand(int, int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RadarCommand
Creates a command to perform a targeted radar sweep to obtain full details on a particular target.
RadarResults - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Represents the results of a radar sweep.
RadarResults() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RadarResults
RaiseShieldsCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to raise a ship's shields.
RaiseShieldsCommand(double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RaiseShieldsCommand
Creates a command to raise shields.
registerShip(int, int, int) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicSpaceship
registerShip(int, int, int) - Method in interface ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Spaceship
Registers a ship with the server so it can begin issuing commands.
RegistrationData - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Represents the data necessary for the server to register a new ship to begin receiving commands.
RegistrationData(String, Color, int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RegistrationData
Creates a new RegistrationData object with the specified parameters.
RepairCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to repair a ship.
RepairCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RepairCommand
Creates a command to repair a ship.
RotateCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to cause a ship to rotate.
RotateCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.RotateCommand
Creates a command to rotate a ship.
run() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.GraphicalClient
run(String, Spaceship<?>) - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
run(String, Spaceship<?>, int) - Static method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient


ScanCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A "Discovery Quest" specific command to perform research on a specific object.
ScanCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ScanCommand
Creates a command to perform a research scan of a specific object.
ShipCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
ShipCommand() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
shipDestroyed(String) - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicSpaceship
shipDestroyed(String) - Method in interface ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Spaceship
Notifies a ship that it has been destroyed and respawned.
Spaceship<T> - Interface in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Represents a ship in the Space Battle world.
SteerCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to cause a ship to change its course by the amount indicated.
SteerCommand(int) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.SteerCommand
Creates a blocking command to steer a ship.
SteerCommand(int, boolean) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.SteerCommand
Creates a command to steer a ship.


TextClient - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle
Simple, text-based test client for SpaceBattle game for IHS AP CS 2012.
TextClient(Spaceship<?>) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.TextClient
TheHungerBaublesGameInfo - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games
The Hunger Baubles is a game where you must hunt for the best collection of baubles.
TheHungerBaublesGameInfo() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
ThrustCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to fire a ship's thrusters, gradually increasing its speed.
ThrustCommand(char, double, double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ThrustCommand
Creates a blocking command to fire a ship's thrusters.
ThrustCommand(char, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ThrustCommand
Creates a command to fire a ship's thrusters.
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.BasicGameInfo
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.ShipCommand
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Environment
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.BaubleHuntGameInfo
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.DiscoveryQuestGameInfo
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.KingOfTheBubbleGameInfo
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.games.TheHungerBaublesGameInfo
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.ObjectStatus
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.Point
toString() - Method in class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.RegistrationData


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CommandNames
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.CommandNames
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WarpCommand - Class in ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands
A command to warp a ship.
WarpCommand() - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.WarpCommand
Creates a random warp command.
WarpCommand(double) - Constructor for class ihs.apcs.spacebattle.commands.WarpCommand
Creates a directed warp command.